Do I really need a mortgage offset account?

Interest rate announcement - August 2016 Today the Reserve Bank of Australia met to review the official cash rate. After leaving rates on hold in July, the RBA have decided to cut rates to 1.50% this month (down 0.25%). We expect that most lenders will reduce their rates, in line with the Reserve Bank’s decision.

Life after Brexit

It has been an interesting month since Britain unexpectedly voted to leave the European Union (EU). In this newsletter, we discuss some of the expected implications of this significant event on world investment markets. Markets, particularly in the UK and Europe, fell sharply immediately after the result of the vote became clear. We believe that

Should I consider refinancing my home loan?

Interest rate announcement - July 2016 Today the Reserve Bank of Australia met to review the official cash rate. After cutting rates in May, the RBA has decided to leave rates on hold at 1.75% again this month. We expect that most lenders will leave their rates unchanged, in line with the Reserve Bank’s decision.

Brexit and other investment market themes

Investment markets in the first half of the 2016 calendar year have been characterised by high levels of volatility. It is normal for markets to experience such ups and downs in the context of sustained global economic and political uncertainty. This is particularly so in the lead up to significant events. Historically, markets have tended

Can temporary residents purchase a home in Australia

RBA interest rate announcement Today the Reserve Bank of Australia met to review the official cash rate. After cutting rates last month, the RBA have decided to leave rates on hold at 1.75% this month. We expect that most lenders will leave their rates unchanged, in line with the Reserve Bank’s decision. It

Is the current market rally sustainable

Market analysts often talk about bull markets (i.e. when share prices are rising strongly) and bear markets (i.e. when share prices are falling, and more importantly, when they’re at risk of falling even further). It may come as no surprise that since the end of the Global Financial Crisis (March 2009) our market has typically

2016 End of Financial Year Tips and Traps

The end of the financial year is coming, and so too is that one thing everybody dreads doing – their tax return. Even though your tax return isn’t due until 31 October 2016, you may need to act now to implement some of the tax reduction and wealth building strategies outlined below. Make sure to

Federal Budget 2016

Tonight, 3 May 2016, the Treasurer, Scott Morrison, delivered his first budget in which he focused on small business, superannuation and transitioning the economy away from a reliance on mining to other parts of the economy. Below we summarise the key points from the 2016 Federal Budget. [WPSM_AC id=4980] Click here to download a pdf

How can you enhance your borrowing capacity

At at time when property prices have risen strongly, particularly in Sydney and Melbourne, many prospective property buyers ask us what they can do enhance their borrowing capacity (the amount of money a lender will be willing to lend them). Today the Reserve Bank of Australia met to review the official cash rate. They