Investment Newsletter – March 2014

Director's Perspective By Noel Hucker There’s a great saying about seeing the forest for the trees and it’s easy to fall into this trap when there is so much information and news out there – Russia and Crimea/Ukraine, Chinese production, tapering of the US Federal Reserve’s Quantitative Easing programme, etc. etc. Issues like these have

Age Pension Bonus: You need to register now !!

The March 1, 2014 deadline is almost here and if you were born on or before 19 September, 1944 (males) and 1 January, 1946 (females), then the information contained here could be worth a lot of money to you (up to $47,242.50 !!) Background The Pension Bonus Scheme (PBS) was a Federal Government initiative designed to

Investment Newsletter – January 2014

Director's Perspective By Mario Isaias  Welcome to the New Year and I trust you had a wonderful festive season with family and friends. The previous calendar year will be remembered as one of the better investment years. With low interest rates and central bank support, most markets performed very well, led by the U.S. -

Investment Newsletter – December 2013

Director's Perspective By Noel Hucker With 2013 drawing to a close we'd like to thank you for your ongoing support of our business.  The team at Harvest wishes you and your family a very happy holiday and a prosperous 2014.  We look forward to working with you again in the New Year. In our newsletter

Investment Newsletter – November 2013

Director's Perspective By Inbam Devadason Global share markets have continued to trend upwards, with some stabilisation over the month of November 2013. Global economic growth has improved over the last 6 months and in particular, even Europe has returned to modest growth. In Australia, business and consumer confidence levels have improved over the last 3

Investment Newsletter – October 2013

Investment Market Update Global equity markets have performed strongly in 2013 year to date. Since the US debt ceiling was raised this month equity markets have continued to rise strongly. The equity market performances reflect increased confidence that the global economy is recovering.  The delay in the US Federal Reserve reducing its bond buying from

Investment Newsletter – September 2013

Investment Market Update Global equity markets have performed well in 2013 year to date. August was a strong month for the Australian market but a weak month for most Global equity markets. Tension with respect to potential military action against Syria caused some weakness in markets in August 2013. Other factors affecting markets in recent

Investment Newsletter – July 2013

Investment Market Update The volatility in global equity markets has increased significantly in the period from May to July 2013. The volatility is mainly due to concerns that the US Quantitative Easing (i.e. buying government Bonds) policy will be tapered off towards the end of this year, that China is showing signs of slowing down

Federal Budget Newsletter – 2013

Overview The Federal Government has announced that it is no longer able to deliver on its $1.5 billion projected budget surplus in 2013-14. Instead it will deliver a deficit of $18 billion in 2013-14 and look to return the budget to a surplus position by 2015-16 – of $0.8 billion. GDP growth is forecast to

Harvest Investment Perspective: The Pursuit of Yield Through Equities

Market commentators have been highlighting the attractive opportunities for investors through targeting a high income return from Australian shares. However, given the current global market volatility, questions are now being raised as to whether the pursuit of a high income return has run its course, or whether other investment themes should be targeted in the future.