US interest rates and Australian Markets

Recent events overseas have certainly proven that the world’s markets are truly global and inter-connected. We have been shown that we are all in a global economy where we are affected by what is happening in other key countries and regions. Over the last two months, we have published updates to help you understand

Investment Market Update – 26 August 2015

Market corrections - a necessary pain Share markets around the world have fallen sharply over the last week. A number of events including a revaluation of the Chinese currency, weak Chinese manufacturing results and the expectation that the US will raise interest rates sooner rather than later, have combined to produce one of the

Global markets and your investments

There has been a lot going on in global markets over recent months. It would be wise, and prudent, to keep on top of these global risk factors and their impact on your investments. It can be quite difficult to keep up with what is happening and understand what this means for your investments. Initially

Greece and the effect on Australian superannuation returns

The events in Greece over the past few weeks have been building like a pressure cooker for many years now. Greece’s failure to meet the International Monetary Fund repayment of 1.6 Billion Euros last week was expected given the recent discussions in Europe, and the calling by the Greek Prime Minister of a national referendum

Will negative gearing stay?

Reserve bank interest rate announcement - May 2015 Today, the Reserve Bank of Australia reduced the official cash rate by 0.25% to 2.00%. Rates had previously been on hold since February 2015. We expect that most lenders will reduce their variable interest rates within the next few weeks.

Part 2: Investing in a low interest rate environment

Last month we discussed the fact that interest rates in Australia are now at an all-time low of 2.25%, and are expected to stay low for the medium term. Overall this change is positive for mortgage holders and businesses, yet a negative for retirees relying on interest income. The main drivers for further rate cuts

5 tips for low interest rates

Below are five tips, in no particular order, on some ways you can take advantage of a low interest rate environment. 1. Increase your repayments Every extra dollar you put into your mortgage, above your required repayment amount, reduces the principal. This means down the track you’ll be paying interest on a smaller amount. This

Investment Newsletter – December 2014

Director's Perspective By Mario Isaias Welcome to our last edition in 2014 of our Investment Newsletter. We are excited to announce that in 2015 we will be revamping this newsletter to enhance the content and timing. We know you will enjoy this fresh approach. November in Australia was generally a “minus 3% month”. Both the