Economic indicators for September 2015
Global and Australian economic indicators for the month of September, 2015.
Global and Australian economic indicators for the month of September, 2015.
Global and Australian economic indicators for the month of August, 2015.
Market corrections - a necessary pain Share markets around the world have fallen sharply over the last week. A number of events including a revaluation of the Chinese currency, weak Chinese manufacturing results and the expectation that the US will raise interest rates sooner rather than later, have combined to produce one of the
There has been a lot going on in global markets over recent months. It would be wise, and prudent, to keep on top of these global risk factors and their impact on your investments. It can be quite difficult to keep up with what is happening and understand what this means for your investments. Initially
If you are within three to five years of retirement it is a good time to review your investment strategy. When you are working, your investment strategy will focus on accumulating and growing wealth in a tax effective manner, and your investment time horizon is generally quite long. As you enter retirement the focus shifts
Director's Comment By Inbam Devadason The May 2015 Federal Budget was announced last week. It was Treasurer Joe Hockey’s second budget as Treasurer. The Budget has generally been well received and has put forward some key initiatives to assist small business, families with childcare needs and older Australians with a modest amount of assets. To
Tonight, 12 May 2015, the Treasurer, Joe Hockey delivered his second budget in which he focused on small business, families and transitioning the economy away from a reliance on mining. This newsletter summarises the key points from the 2015/16 Federal Budget.
Director's Comment By Noel Hucker Have you ever had a great teacher or mentor? Someone that has made a real difference to the way you think and conduct yourself? We inherently know that having a great teacher / coach / mentor can bring out the best in us and enable us to achieve things we
Last month we discussed the fact that interest rates in Australia are now at an all-time low of 2.25%, and are expected to stay low for the medium term. Overall this change is positive for mortgage holders and businesses, yet a negative for retirees relying on interest income. The main drivers for further rate cuts
Reserve Bank interest rate announcement - December 2014 Today the Reserve Bank of Australia met to review the official cash rate. They have decided to leave this rate steady at 2.50% pa. The official rate has now remained unchanged for sixteen months. We expect that most lenders will leave their rates unchanged, in line with